• One point down for every absence. Incase of prolonged illness three points only will be cut-off.
  • On expiry of leave, if any taken, the student, should produce reason for the absence through the diary in the column provided duly signed by parents.
  • No student, shall absent himself from classes without obtaining prior sanction of leave from class teacher concerned.
  • Those who apply for sick leave should produce medical certificate.
  • Absence without submitting leave applications as well as late attendance will be viewed very seriously.
  • Those students who are absent without submitting application for leave for more than five days consecutively will be removed from roll. Such students will be readmitted if found necessary with readmission fee.
  • All students should be present for not less than 85% of the total number of working days in an academic year. Otherwise, students will be disqualified from promotion to the higher classes.